What is Liturgical Art?

Liturgical Art

In truth, all art was once liturgical, the expression of humankind for that which is transcendent, powerful, mysterious and vast. We seek, through art - and music and architecture and ritual - to share the great longing in everyone to be truly present to the Spirit - to ‘pay attention’ to God.  It is the very least we owe.


As the ‘work of the people’, liturgy exists whenever a community gathers to worship. Liturgical Art may be produced or commissioned by this congregation and always evokes response from it. Forms may be simple or complex, large or small, may include exotic materials or be extremely humble. The intention is to create Liturgical Space that invites, nurtures, challenges and ultimately connects people to the Holy in ways they may not have imagined possible.

Liturgical Artist

Creating Liturgical Art is really a form of Stewardship - a ‘giving back’ of the time, talent and treasure we have received. It may also speak to the Journey toward Spiritual understanding. Whatever the circumstances, making or commissioning objects to empower our rituals is an immensely rewarding experience. For many, turning inspiration into the art expression required involves the help and skills of a Liturgical Artist.  The collaboration between members of a religious community and the Artist selected to work with them is often a transforming journey of faith in itself.


Wander around in this website to see how Judith McManis has expressed some of the thoughts and ideas she has experienced or shared with others.

You can contact her by e-mail at laudata@mac.com

or call 802 951.9942