Vestments have a very long and rich history, their forms even today retaining some of the characteristics from centuries past. Whether ‘newly-minted’ as priest or pastor, or an exper-ienced clergy-person, you have an amazing choice of garments appropriate for wear in your official duties as a leader of ritual.
If you have studied the pages of catalogs from the many supply houses, some of which have been in business for a very long time and have quite a prestigious and well-earned reputation, you know well the type of offerings they present. The process of ordering from them is somewhat ‘Chinese-restaurant-menu’ in style, in that you must generally pick from what they have in terms of design, color, fabric and ornamentation. Depending on whose catalog you are consulting, the choices can be quite beautiful, with an attendant cost. They also can be quite ‘predictable’ – even to the point where they can be identified readily as the product of a particular company; it’s a bit like buying a car… If you want something everyone knows came from Thus-and-Such Company (also knowing pretty much what you had to pay for it), your exploration of the Laudata website may be amusing, but not inspiring - you never know. In the end, it is a choice you must ultimately make because, no matter where you buy your special garb, it is meant to last a very long time and costs a bundle!
Whatever your tendencies in terms of style, you roamed here for a reason and should at least check out the Gallery before you leave. Laudata is not interested in making ‘ordinary’ vestments – as you will see. Asking questions can be the beginning of Wisdom, so don’t hesitate to add to your Address Book so you can send us an e-mail any time, or by calling (802) 951-9942 for a friendly chat.
Defined as all the special coverings and hangings often found in churches, paraments represent a wonderful opportunity to use Liturgical Art to invite, nurture, challenge and ultimately connect people to the Holy in ways they may not have imagined possible. The designs for frontals, dossals, pulpit falls, orpherys, and even palls can be incredibly meaningful and inspiring to the person-in-the-pew. We at Laudata don’t think that opportunity should be missed! Boring people is not God’s Work…
While it is definitely easier and simpler to order a ‘set’ (known as an ‘array’) of Vestments and Paraments which ‘match’ – and Laudata certainly supports having the whole appearance of your sanctuary coordinate – you may or may not have the desire to ‘blend with the furniture’. Many supply houses suggest using the same fabrics and at least some of the same ornamentation in all the pieces you might require, a view with which we heartily agree. But it is truly sad to miss the opportunity to vary the design of your Paraments to optimize the space/location/light available within the sanctuary.
Again, you are invited to visit the Laudata Gallery to see more examples of our work in this regard. Call (802) 951-9942, or e-mail: - to find out more.